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Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

Feb 22, 2023

Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

If you’ve noticed your pup becoming more sluggish, gaining weight, or itching more often than usual, it could be because of their diet. Regarding nutrition for our furry friends, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether dogs can digest diets high in carbohydrates. Let’s look at what science has to say about this topic.

Apr 16, 2020

The New Food Pyramid

Every day, more and more studies support the idea that an optimal diet is one that is high in fat and protein, and very low in digestible carbohydrates.  You can read a selection of these studies by clicking here. And once you read these studies, you’ll be convinced that the science is clear: humans should be powered by fat and protein - not carbs. And the same goes for our dogs. 

Feb 4, 2020

Chico's AMAZING Keto Success Story!

Today we have an amazing success story from Shannon and her adorable, Keto Papillons - Chico and Nena! Here's Shanno...
smart dogs eat low carb. you eat low carb, now your dog can too!

Jan 31, 2020


  Woof Whiskers Gives Visionary Keto Pet Foods 9.4/10 In It's Latest Review. Read The Review ...

Sep 23, 2019

Here's a REAL Nutrition Label

It’s time to Think Differently about Pet Food. What we feed our dogs matters. We should feel as comfortable and confident about what we feed dogs as the food we feed ourselves. And while we at Visionary Pet may be required to list some of the same confusing information as everyone else, we certainly won’t hold back when it comes to giving you the INFORMATION that MATTERS.
Wolves eat low carb keto dog food

Aug 21, 2019

Dogs Don’t Eat Potatoes: Validating the Keto Diet for Dogs

When given the choice - dogs choose to eat a VERY low carb, keto diet! Whether you make your dog’s food at home, or buy a keto, low carb dog food from us - we think you’re AMAZING for choosing to give your dog the gift of optimal nutrition.
Dogs are Fat-Fueled SUPER Athletes

Jul 23, 2019

Dogs are SUPER Athletes

How does your dog run for HOURS and HOURS without getting tired?
Obese dog fat dog keto

Jul 11, 2019

The New Normal: Obesity in Pets

Over 50% of the U.S. population is overweight or obese. And here’s the worst part: We’re talking about the dogs.
low carb dog food

Jun 26, 2019

Freedom from Carbs!

It’s clear that all dogs deserve the five essential freedoms. But Visionary Pet Parents know there’s one HUGLEY important item missing from this list…

May 31, 2019

What is Ketosis?

Confused by Ketones, Ketosis, Ketogenic Diet, Keto?  Fear Not!   Kent, C, Kesl SL, Hodges SA, Nati...

Jan 27, 2019

Gertie's Keto Story

Gertie, the English Bulldog  Visionary Pet Foods    I invite you to read this wonderful success...

Jul 25, 2018

Sommer's Summer - An Update!

I am writing to update you on Sommer's Keto Journey. Yesterday, she hit the 120 day ketosis mark and I know we couldn't have gotten this far without the support of her holistic vet, Visionary Pet and Keto Pet Sanctuary. Since she has Lymphoma.
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