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Should Peanut Butter be Part of Your Dog or Cat’s Diet?

Mar 3, 2023

Should Peanut Butter be Part of Your Dog or Cat’s Diet?

The topic of pet nutrition can be incredibly complex and extremely daunting, especially considering the health of your beloved canine or feline companion is at stake. One food that seems to always spark debate in the pet parent community—from dog moms and dads to cat lovers alike—is peanut butter. Should it or should it not be included in a dog's or cat's diet? We'll give you both sides of this argument so you can decide what is best for your furry friend.
Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

Feb 22, 2023

Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

If you’ve noticed your pup becoming more sluggish, gaining weight, or itching more often than usual, it could be because of their diet. Regarding nutrition for our furry friends, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether dogs can digest diets high in carbohydrates. Let’s look at what science has to say about this topic.
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