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Unraveling the Differences Between Wolves and Pet Dogs

Feb 22, 2023

Unraveling the Differences Between Wolves and Pet Dogs

Introduction There’s nothing more fascinating than learning about dogs and dog breeds. We all know that dogs are de...
Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

Feb 22, 2023

Can Dogs Digest a Diet High in Carbohydrates?

If you’ve noticed your pup becoming more sluggish, gaining weight, or itching more often than usual, it could be because of their diet. Regarding nutrition for our furry friends, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether dogs can digest diets high in carbohydrates. Let’s look at what science has to say about this topic.
Dogs are Fat-Fueled SUPER Athletes

Jul 23, 2019

Dogs are SUPER Athletes

How does your dog run for HOURS and HOURS without getting tired?

Jan 27, 2019

Gertie's Keto Story

Gertie, the English Bulldog  Visionary Pet Foods    I invite you to read this wonderful success...
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