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Bone Broth for Dogs - Benefits, Recipe & More!

Aug 4, 2021

Bone Broth for Dogs - Benefits, Recipe & More!

Wellness trends come and go all of the time. But thanks to the amazing health benefits of low carb food for dogs - we know keto dog food isn't going anywhere.  And while I'd love to write yet another article outlining the incredible benefits of feeding your dog a low carb diet, there's another growing dog health trend that's also worth writing about: bone broth for dogs!  Just like low carb dog food, bone broth comes with a variety of proven benefits for your dog’s health - making it an excellent addition to your dog's diet!
Keto Dog Food: How to Feed Your Dog a Keto Diet

May 4, 2021

Keto Dog Food: How to Feed Your Dog a Keto Diet

We’ve come a long way since the days when not much was known about optimal canine nutrition. And while the dog food market is still mostly dominated by cheap kibbles with high carbohydrate content, there is certainly cause for optimism. And that’s because we now live in a world with REAL low carb, ketogenic dog food available for dogs of all life stages!
Ketogenic Dog Food Recipes: How to Make Keto Dog Food at Home!

Mar 17, 2021

Ketogenic Dog Food Recipes: How to Make Keto Dog Food at Home!

Here at Visionary, we know that dogs should be powered by fat and protein - not carbs. This knowledge, along with our...
What Are Net Carbs? How to Calculate Net Carbohydrates

Feb 16, 2021

What Are Net Carbs? How to Calculate Net Carbohydrates

If you’ve ever seen a nutrition label for a low carb food, you’ve no doubt seen the term net carbs called out or listed. And that’s because - when it comes to determining the carb count of a food - net carbs, not total carbs, is what truly matters. If you've ever wondered what are net carbs or how to calculate net carbs - this blog is for you.  
Low Carb Dog Food: Why Dogs Should be Powered by Protein and Fat - Not Carbs.

Jan 26, 2021

Low Carb Dog Food: Why Dogs Should be Powered by Protein and Fat - Not Carbs.

If you know anything about canine nutrition, you know that there is a LOT of conflicting information. Simply walk dow...
Why Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

Jan 25, 2021

Why Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

In the modern world, dogs and dog owners can be overwhelmed by choice. There is a huge variety of dog foods available...
Keto Dog Food: 5 Reasons Why Feeding a Ketogenic Diet is the Right Choice for Your Dog!

Jan 21, 2021

Keto Dog Food: 5 Reasons Why Feeding a Ketogenic Diet is the Right Choice for Your Dog!

We all want the best for our dogs. And when it comes to giving your dog the longest and healthiest life possible, nothing is more important than your choice of pet food. Here's why all dogs should eat keto dog food for optimal health!
The Truth about Grain-Free Dog Food and Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Sep 29, 2020

The Truth about Grain-Free Dog Food and Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Here’s something that might surprise you…  I wake up every day sincerely excited to scroll through my email inbox and...

Apr 16, 2020

The New Food Pyramid

Every day, more and more studies support the idea that an optimal diet is one that is high in fat and protein, and very low in digestible carbohydrates.  You can read a selection of these studies by clicking here. And once you read these studies, you’ll be convinced that the science is clear: humans should be powered by fat and protein - not carbs. And the same goes for our dogs. 

Mar 12, 2020

Low Carb Diets Reverse Age-Related Brain Damage!

Earlier this month, researchers published an amazing study showing that low-carb diets can actually reverse age-related brain damage! The word “reverse” is bold and italicized for a reason. This is powerful language for a scientific study! In the study, researchers scanned the brains of over 1,000 individuals ranging from 18 to 88 years of age. They found that brain damage accelerated if the brain was getting energy primarily from glucose - while brains that derived energy from ketones were more stable!

Feb 4, 2020

Chico's AMAZING Keto Success Story!

Today we have an amazing success story from Shannon and her adorable, Keto Papillons - Chico and Nena! Here's Shanno...
smart dogs eat low carb. you eat low carb, now your dog can too!

Jan 31, 2020


  Woof Whiskers Gives Visionary Keto Pet Foods 9.4/10 In It's Latest Review. Read The Review ...
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